Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Highland Meadows Homeowners Association

2013 Annual Meeting

Thank you, Mark and Sally Sternard, for again hosting the Annual Homeowners meeting on Thursday January 17, 2013 at 7pm.

Those in attendance were:

Board Members                                                       
President: Willie Webster                                          
V. Pres: Dennis Saxon (absent)                                               
Secretary: Donna Wandler                                         
Treasurer: Debbie Eng-Coe                                        

Cluster 1: Ryan Blow                                                   
Cluster 2: Mark Sternard                                           
Cluster 3: Dan Surber (absent)                                  
Cluster 4: Jackie Holden (absent)                              
Cluster 5: Tanja Martinson (absent)                          
Cluster 6: Cindy Squires                                             
Cluster 7: Maureen High (absent)                               
Cluster 8: Nancy Ackerman                                        
Cluster 9: Debbie Bengeult                                         

Karla Webster
Buffy Schrag
Albert Kristek
Mary Ann Kristek
Pamela Powell
 Jim McDonald
Irene McDonald
Cole Hodgson
Stephanie Axworthy
Ann Piraino
Mike Piraino
Donna Hall
Mike Coe

The minutes of the past meeting were approved as written.

Treasurer’s Report:  Pamela Powell and Diane Kremsner conducted the annual audit and reported the books in order. (Thank you for your help!) Debbie reported a balance of $4,346.86.

The 2013 assessment dues will be mailed By Feb. 1.

Old Business:

Safety Committee:  Work is being done on repositioning one of the cameras

Landscape Committee: Nancy reported that the 16 year old riding lawn mower was tuned up but will need to be replaced in the near future.  Lighting was repositioned on the bike path. (Thanks Jerry and Frank) A short segment of fencing will be replaced at the site. (We’re looking into some materials that provide a softer landing!)

 Covenants Committee:  Donna recommended that any future revision of the By-Laws include the wording of the 1986 By-Laws concerning exempt lots.  (In effect, it says that exempt lot owners who choose to pay dues will enjoy the same privileges of HMHA membership as other members of the homeowners association)

 Neighborhood events and Recreation: The board will review the information on the benches at the next meeting. 

 Neighborhood Directory Updates: The Directory Cover Drawing Contest is now open for children 12 years and under who live in Highland Meadows. Please submit all drawings (with child’s name, age and address) to Willie Webster by the March 15.  First place is $25. and 2nd place is $15.  (Homeowner dues must be current to participate in any homeowner sponsored contests.)

Karla Webster will work with Roxie to download the directory files into her own program.  A tear-out sheet will be included in future directories for updates, however, this year a form will be included with the minutes. Please return yours to your cluster rep.

 Christmas Lighting Contest:  Congratulations to this years winners! 1st Place: Pete and Tamara ($75), 2nd Place: Monica Simmons ($50), 3rd Place: Joe and Kelly Gustafson ($25)

Fire Dist. #44 Santa Truck: Another huge success!  Thanks to all who donated food and stood in line for pictures with Santa!  (Board note: call in Sept. to be placed on their calendar)

1 comment:

  1. OK lets start, I wonder if anyone actually reads these probably not since the HOA never advertises it is here. lets start with role call only 16 home owners present since each home only gets one vote, however they will count husbands and wives as 2 votes illegaly.

    Safety Committee again there is only one working camera in this whole developement and it faces the entrance therefor it provides NO security for this neighborhood. So to have a committee to reposition one camera seems a bit mis leading.

    Landscape committee - Great job Nancey since this is the only thing we actually do in this neighborhood I would say all in all good job. Although I would like to know who's fence is gettting replaced? was there an insurance claim filed for damages? is this the fence of a homeowner? If so why is the HOA paying to replace a section of the fence? I am not saying if it was damaged due to neglegance of the Association that it shouldn't be fixed, however there are should be a claim filed and the information should be provided in the meeting minutes of what happened and why we are paying to replace the fence.

    Convenants committee, can we please know the members of these committees? The decision was made that the covenants will reflect the non HOA members that pay can enjoy the same benefits as the members....what benefits are those exactly? are allowed to open their eyes and look at the landscaping?

    Benches at the next meeting, well, we have only been working on that since 2011 so keep up the strong work team.

    neighborhood directory, at least they said this year if you haven't paid your dues your kid can't win. In the past they have just refused to pay children because their parents were behind on dues. Way to save a buck I would rather my kids enter the coloring contest at round table.

    Santa Truck, once again we paid 4 homes worth of annual dues to the santa truck that was not budgeted in or approved by a majority of homeowners. Great cause but I would rather donate on my own and have the association use that money to.....maybe.....buy some benches.

    the bilaws and convenants state that your homeowner dues can be raised by a 2/3 vote of the homeowners annually by 3%. Wait didn't I just say only 16 votes were in attendance,from my count that is not 2/3. Oh and 3% is only $1.80 no $5.00. SO given the illegal action of the board I wil again NOT be paying my dues.

    I served on the board in 2011 and was treated terribly by many long term home owners. I recieved a letter threatening legal action against myself and the president if we did not follow the extremely old outdated convenants to the letter.

    We immediately corrected the minor issue that brought this letter about and did nothing to rock the boat for the rest of the term.

    I just called that same homeowner who brought me that letter MR. Ackerman to ask if the current board would be recieving the same type of threat for violations of the covenants and bi-laws. The lying about the number of cameras and the fact that homeowners by rights have access to view it, the illegal increase in dues, the interesting fact that the board is a one year term but the nominating committee always nominates the same board. The call started out OK but when I mentioned the nominating committee that his wife is a member of he immediately changed and began yelling at me. He told me that if I "show my face in the neighborhood" he would "throw Egg in my face". Now we know how the association is truly run. Threats and bullies, so apparently you are not allowed to question what the board does. This proves the point I have been trying to make for quite some time....this homeowners association is just here to allow a privilaged few to do what they want with the rest of our money.
