Sunday, January 31, 2010

Block Alert - Car Break In

As a follow up to the previous prowler alert, there was in fact a break in, in cluster 8 across the street from cluster 6. The home owner reported that on Friday night between 7 p.m. and Saturday at 10 a.m., his driver side window on his car was broken into. Nothing was taken as he suspects his motion lights came on and scared off the person. He did call the sheriff's dept. but no officer was dispatched.
Block Watch - Prowler

Early the morning of Jan. 30 around 2:00 a.m., a resident in cluster 6 was heading to bed when he looked out the window and saw someone across the street in a neighbors's yard. He watched for a moment and saw this person cross through one neighbors's yard and head up the driveway of another neighbor. The resident ran to the door and called out and the prowler took off running. A 911 call was made as the resident drove the neighborhood looking for cars that did not belong. The police responded within 20 minutes. Apparently a car was parked on the corner of 133rd Ave SE and SE 342nd st. Keep an eye out for vehicles parked in that area that do not belong. Take licence plate numbers and call 911.

As there have been no subsequent reports of a break in, it seems the incident was limited to prowling. There was a car parked over on 133rd Ave SE and 339th st.. It is an off white Toyota License Plate #652WGM and was reported to the police.

If anyone did experience a vehicle break in or vandalism, please contact your block watch person.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Block Watch - Car Break In

1/9/10 - 3:40 a.m. Saturday morning, Highland Meadows had another car break in. A window was smashed to get to a purse that was visible. The police were called and the credit cards
companies were notified. The credit cards were being used in the Olympia area.

Residents need to be more diligent in locking their cars/trucks/RV's and not having any valuables in plain view. We also need to be aware of cars or persons not familiar to the area and report them to the police. Get as much detailed information on the vehicle or persons in question. It seems that some questionable vehicles are parking at the end of SE 342nd St.